
Wagons, Wheel sets, Spare parts - online store


Customer Service

The customer service of UniRail exists of the provision of all services to the customer before, during and after the purchase of spareparts, wheelsets or wagons of Kolowag in Septemvri, Bulgaria. One of the goals of UniRail is to enhance the level of customer satisfaction until it has met the customer expectation. In more concrete words, UniRail may support the client on the following fields:


• Being a mediator between supplier and client/consignee;
• Bridging the differences in language, culture and law;
• Supporting the client during the process of transfer of the products;
• Arranging transport, documents and tracking & tracing according the wishes of the consignee;
• Introducing customer support in finding cost effective solutions and correct use of the product – to create a win-win situation for both supplier and client. This all - if necessary - including planning, trouble shooting, support for maintenance and upgrading of a certain product;
• Taking care of the after-sales.


About Us

Official Representative
of KOLOWAG, Bulgaria
for Germany, Benelux, France
Logistic Activities
Liason between supplier and clients

Customer Service

Each Question
Each Request
All Orders
All Communication
Between Holland and Bulgaria

Online Store

Contact Us

Office Address:
Emiliyan Stanev 2A Str.
Silver City, Sofia, Bulgaria
Mob: +359877770732
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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